Baptism: Both infants and adults are baptized in the Nazarene church. As a sacrament, baptism signifies acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior and willingness to obey him in righteousness and holiness.
Bible: The Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God. The Old and New Testaments contain all the truth needed for faithful Christian living.
The Church: The Church’s mission is to share in Jesus’ redemptive and reconciling ministries through evangelism, education, engaging in compassion and acts of justice, as well as bearing witness to the Kingdom of God.
Communion: The Lord’s Supper is for his disciples. Those who have repented of their sins and accepted Christ as Savior are invited to participate. Nazarenes believe the Christ is present during the sacrament through his Holy Spirit and that the Lord’s Supper is a means of grace.
Divine Healing: God heals, so Nazarenes are encouraged to pray for his divine healing. The church believes that God also heals through medical treatment and never discourages members from seeking healing through trained professionals.
Entire Sanctification: Nazarenes are a Holiness people, open to complete regeneration and sanctification by the Holy Spirit. This is a gift of God and is not earned through works. Jesus Christ modeled a holy, sinless life, and his Spirit enables believers to become more Christlike day by day.
Entire sanctification comes about through baptism or infilling of the Holy Spirit, Nazarenes say, by grace through faith, in an instant. Nazarenes also believe in mature character, which is a gradual growth in grace. This compares to other denominations’ belief in the nature of sanctification as a lifelong process that is perfected only when the believer dies and goes to heaven.
Heaven, Hell: Heaven and hell are real places. Those who believe in Christ shall be judged by their acceptance of him and their deeds and will receive glorious eternal life with God. The “finally impenitent” will suffer eternally in hell.
Holy Spirit: The Third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is present in the church and is continually regenerating believers, leading them to the truth which is in Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ: The Second Person of the Trinity, Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, was both God and man, died for humanity’s sins, and bodily arose from the dead. He lives now in heaven as the intercessor for humankind.
Salvation: Christ’s atoning death was for the entire human race. Everyone who repents and believes in Christ is “justified and regenerated and saved from the dominion of sin.” However, Nazarenes hold that anyone may fall from grace and be “hopelessly and eternally lost” unless they repent of their sins.
Second Coming of Christ: Unlike some other denominations, the Church of the Nazarene is somewhat vague in its article on Christ’s second coming. No specific mention is made of a Rapture or tribulation, but the wording that abiding members will be “caught up with the risen saints to meet the Lord in the air” has led some individual congregations to teach a Rapture event.
Sin: Since the Fall, human beings have a depraved nature, inclined toward sin. However, the grace of God helps people make right choices. Nazarenes do not believe in eternal security. Those who are regenerate and have received entire sanctification may sin and fall from grace, and unless they repent, they will go to hell.
Trinity: There is one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.